27 March 2015

Site Visit 2015 -Malacca - Part 1 ^_^


Assalamualaikum guys :)
Hye !
Alhamdulillah we meet again today.
So,basically this is my first entry about my travelling or trip to somewhere for this year
hahaha .okay *nervous*
So ,let guess which place i went recently ?
its one of the historical city under UNESCO.amazing right !? 
where do you think ..
Paris ?
Penang ?
Malacca ?
 Yes !
So , alhamdulillah my teamates and i went to Malacca about 3 days 2 night , we departed on Friday , 20 March at 8 am and went back to UIA on Sunday at 3 pm.

For your information , this trip was not for fun or vacation.
its related to our project or assignment which is Tourism Action Plan under Workshop 2 subject.
So for this semester , Brother Ali and Sister Nelza have decided that our site visit will be at Malacca as it very suitable with our project theme which is Cultural and heritage.
As for me , i was excited because this is the second time i will go there.my last time went to Malacca was during i am Standard 3 .I followed school trip .Such a long time right ? Almost 13 years .Subhanallah !!
Lets go back to the trip experiences:)
 So , my teamates and i have chose Mari-Mari Guest House as our place to sleep.hehe.
and its located in the middle of the city and near to the places that we want to do survey later.
Furthermore , the price quite affordable for us as students.
3 persons per room.So ,we just need to pay RM35 each .
Cheap right ? ^_^
I am here !
Alhamdulillah .Settle with the accomodation.
So , now let me bring all of you to discover the beautiful and interesting places that i have been through those 3 days !
For the first day , we just walking around the places to do ricky .
Its fun as you can see people around , their actions during vacations and the beautiful scenery of Malacca :)
Brother Ali gives a short briefing 
Before we start our ricky and go to our selected zones , we got a short briefing by Brother Ali.He shared with us good information about Malacca and guidance that we can use during the survey activities.Thank You Sir ! :)
Beautiful tree isn't it ? 

This beautiful tree actually planted in the first place i went during site visit which is Taman Bunga Merdeka .
Its located between Dataran Pahlawan Megamall and Taming Sari Tower.Many visitors love to sit and hangout with their family here.

my beautiful girls aka teamates 
In this garden also ,it easy for you to find  good facilities such as toilets , car parking , surau and wifi zone .Furthermore, there is also a Tourist Police Station for protecting and helping any kind of problems that tourists had during their travel here.

   After finish the survey here , we move to another zone which is A Famosa .There is a lot of people there .Taking picture , ride the trishaw and hangout with their family. You guys also could find many museums such as Muzium Kesultanan Melayu Melaka , PERZIM and Muzium Dunia Melayu Dunia Islam there.You can choose where do you want to go as Malacca has so many interesting places to be visited and rich with culture and heritage.

Here also you can take a ride a trishaw but of course you must pay for it.
if i am not mistaken ,one round is about RM 40 .
The concept and design of the trishaws here is very creative and beautiful.
For example, the themes of the trishaws that i saw were Doraemon ,Frozen and many more.
So cutee right ..:)

A Famosa

Muzium Dunia Melayu Dunia Islam

Colourful trishaws are everywhere ~

                For first day ,we just walking from one place to one place as its easy to approach the tourists .However , the weather at Malacca is so hot .So ,you guys are advised to bring enough water , umbrella and use sunblock .Even at there , you also can find many shops along the roads sell the hat .So ,better you buy if you don't have one.hehe .like me and my friends,:) 

                 One more thing ,during your travel ,please bring along your medicine.as a careful step.It is because you cannot assume that your body can cope with the place's weather .Like me .I had fever during this site visit .Plus with cough and flu.Sadly , i don't have any medicines with me except panadol.So , i took a lot of water along those 3 days .

Okay ,stop with sad story :( haha
next , my friends and i went to Stadhuys .
The red buildings one .
Its located nearby the road that quite busy .So, you need to be careful at this area
especially when you are walking or cycling.


At night , Sister Nelza asked us to do surveys at Jonker Walk Street.So , we met her there at 6 pm to get a short briefing.

However , i could not managed to take a picture at Jonker Street as its so many people there .The situation is like in pasar malam.You can see a lot of stalls with variety kind of foods .Most of them are Chinese and for us ,Muslim its a little bit hard to find halal foods here.Furthermore ,make sure you take care of your belongings as so many people go there , local and foreign tourists.Sometimes its hard to walk because the space is limited.So ,be careful okay.

What we have done at Jonker Street at that night was surveying on the facilities and the condition there such as cleanliness , facilities provider , public toilets , lamps , road conditions and so on.We walked along that street and snap some pictures for our next report .It acts as a proof .and maybe some facilities need improvement for tourists comfort.

So ,last but not least .
The food you must eat when you arrived at this historical city 
ASAM PEDAS ! nom..nom..nom 
You know what ,asam pedas is one of my favourite dishes.
So of course i am excited to try this at Malacca .
Erm..the taste is quite delicious but sorry .
its still cannot beat my mom's cooking ! seriously..

Bon Appetite ! 

So , i am done with the Chapter 1.
see you guys soon in the Chapter 2 of my trip at Malacca ~~
Stay tuned .

Bye Lovelies  :)

26 March 2015

I am back ! ^_^

Assalamualaikum guys .i am back .wait-wait..Farah is back? yes i am :)
how are you guys ?
i hope all of you always be fine under Allah's blessings. aamiin ~
So whats up ?

what i am gonna share today ??
a lot of questions in your minds right.hehe 
suddenly i came up like this .its kind a long time we have not met.maybe some of you feel weirdo right ? :P
okay let me tell you guys why i did this comeback..haha.:)
like an artist.didn't i ?
okay .forget it.
actually its like this.
my lecturer ,Brother Ali asked us to do our own page either blog,FB ,Wordpress etc as our assignment task.
its not like play thing.
do it seriously okay.
OKAY.haha ^_^ 

And i chose to use this medium which is blog as i am used with it.
even i have left it for a long time ago.
but its okay.
we still can learn right.
Learning is never stop until we die.

So , basically in this site ,my own page i can do whatever i like.
of course right :)
In addition , i will share with you guys about ...
jeng..jeng..jeng :P
and many more such as 
beautiful places i went , tasty foods for sure and the experiences.
in shaa Allah ~

maybe my story can give you guys some tips and guidance right ? 
So i think its enough for this time.
i have to prepare my stuffs for the next entry ,
which place , what kind of foods ?
just wait and see okay :)
till we meet again dearests.
stay tuned with my humble journey story alright .
Thank you and Wassalam.

Regards with Love ,