03 April 2015

Sweet Memory at Gua Tempurung ^_^ (13/03/2012)

Assalamualaikum peeps !
We meet again today 
Alhamdulillah :)
So, today in this blessed Friday ,
i wanna tell you a story about my adventure experience 
at Gua Tempurung , Perak.
Although this experience has gone almost 3 years ago,yet the memories still fresh in my mind until today.
This is the first time i go for climbing and of course i feel very excited.
The idea to go to this place was come from my teacher during Form 6 which is Mr Radha.
When he saying out this plan , my friends and I were very excited and cannot wait to explore this cave .
We went there on Tuesday ,13 March 2012.
During holiday if i am not mistaken .
my classmates and Mr Radha.
Before we depart ,lets take a picture first !
say cheese :)

So this is a little information about Gua Tempurung for you ^_^

Shell cave is a cave in Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia. It is popular among spelunkers, or
caving enthusiasts. About 3 km long, it is one of the longest caves
in Peninsula Malaysia. Part of it has been developed as a show cave with electric lighting
and walkways and there are a range of tours of different lengths
and difficulty. A fine cave river, the river runs about 1.6 km passage through the hill. There
 are three very large chambers and some spectacular stalactites
and stalagmites.

Located in Gopeng, about 24km south of the capital city of Ipoh in Perak, this limestone
cave is one of the largest in Peninsular Malaysia. Although not as
big as Cave Mulu and Niah Cave in Sarawak, beginners to caving exploration will be glad
to know that this cave is easy to explore. The tunnel of the cave
runs from the east to the west covering a distance of about 2km under the limestone hills known
Mount as shells and Elephant Mountain. It is made up
of five large domes and is believed to have existed since 8,000 BC, about 10,000 years ago.
It comprises of five huge domes with cocunut cielings resembling shells. Each of these domes
 has different calcium formations and marble there exist in
differing temperatures and water levels. These caves are famous for its breathtaking gallery
 of stalagmites, stalactites and other amazing rock formations
that are superb speleological wonders, found only in this part of the world.

There are various tours into the caves being the main attraction here. These caves are
located under the limestone hills and form tunnels that runs from
east to west, nearly 1.9km in length. Visitors can experience these tours with specific
requirements of prior preparation. Certain tours such as the River
Adventure Tours require visitors to bring a change of clothes and shoes. Torch lights
and safety helmets are available for rent.

Welcome to Gua Tempurung !!

 You know what , Mr Radha has climbing this cave about 6 times .
its so impressive right !
at his age ,he still could do it.
my Sir is awesome :)
Sir Radha and I.
Please ignore my ugly face :P

So ,the entry charge for this cave is :-
they  have four types of tour packages. Each trip is of a simple and draw attention to a very tough and challenging.
Travel packages particulars are as follows:
TRAVEL CATWALK (travel Dry On Platform)

1. GOLDEN flowstone
Travelling from the entrance to Golden Flowstone platform (Platform 2) and back 2. TOP OF THE WORLD
Travelling from the entrance to the Top of The World Cavern (Platform 5) and back
Status Status Simple and Attract Attention Attracting and encouraging the
Time Approximately 40 minutes Time Approximately 1 hour 45 minutes
Visit Start 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Visit Start 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Sign Adult RM6.00
Children  (to 12 yrs) RM 2.50 Payment
Sign Adult RM 9.00
Chidren  (under 12 yrs) RM 4.50
Elderly RM 3.00
2. CATWALK & down the river UNDERGROUND (travel Crush)
Visitors are advised to dress appropriately bring a flashlight and a change of clothes.
Travelling from the cave entrance sehinggaTop of The World Cavern (Platform 5), down the stairs into a subterranean river to return. 4. GRAND TOUR
Began his journey full catwalk entrance and back through a subterranean streams.
Status Rugged and Rugged Very Challenging Status and Challenges
Time Approximately 2 hours 30 minutes Time Approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes

Sign Adult RM 11:00
Kanak2 (under 12 yrs) RM 6.00 Payment
Sign Adult RM 22.00
Kanak2 (under 12 yrs) RM 11:00
Elderly RM6.00
Evidence for a tour / booking, please contact let Zuliana 017-5271926 / 012-5549830 en shahril
Thank You :)
However ,the above description will change from time to time without prior notice by the management.
So , basically before we climb any cave , we need to have fit and enough energy.
Do some light exercise before you start climbing.
Or you will 'pancit ' in the middle of the journey later .
like me :P haha *shy *

Please wearing a proper attire for make sure you feel comfortable and easy to move.like sport attire and shoes.
and the most important thing is you must bring a TORCHLIGHT coz the cave is very darkkkk #scaryy okayyy #
Batmans are everywhere..hehehe
just kidding :)
But believe me , you will amaze with the beauty inside the cave ,
Its so amazing and beautiful.
You can see many natural shape , design and carving there.
Subhanallah :)

i am so impressed .seriously .
So ,here is some pictures i took there .
Just ignore the "faralurvepink93.blogspot.com"
words on those pictures.
actually its a name of my old blog.huhuhu
Enjoy watching lovelies !

The zigzag path inside the cave.

amazing cave wall carvings:)

Everybody is impressed with the beautiful of Gua Tempurung 

This is how it looks :) Subhanallah ~

Peaceful lake outside the cave

 Facilities that can be found  here :)

Beautiful scenery

         Okay , i am done with my story at Gua Tempurung.
           Thats how my experiences looks like.
             I hope you guys can get some good info and tips about climbing
          in any caves .in shaa Allah. Thank You for reading.

      Regards with Love,



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