14 May 2015

99 CaHayA di LaNGIT EroPah ~


                                                        Assalamualaikum to all of you :)
                                       It has been a quite long time we have not meet in this space.
                                                 did you guys miss me ??heehee. just kidding :P
                                     last time i shared with you about Gua Tempurung right ?
                            and many of my stories before is basically about places inside Malaysia.
                             But now , i want to talk about somewhere abroad and located in Europe.

                                  okay based on my post title , i know some of you can guess which places 
                                                        i am going to story today .
                                                    the clue is its one of the city in Turki .
                                        The places that i want to travel to is Istanbul !
                                                                 yeaayyy ^_^
                                              That is why i feel so excited to start ..soooo lets go  !

                           But first , i want to ask , did u guys have watched this Indonesian movie ?

99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa Part 2.jpg

                                 yes , i took this great movie title as my post title this time.
                                        99 CAHAYA DI LANGIT EROPA
                                                     because of what ? ..................
                                         because i love this movie so much ! ^_^
                                 i really encourage all of you to watch this movie ..because you will amaze                                   with the beauty of ISLAM that somehow we don't know even we are Muslims.

                                      so here i want to share the synopsis of this movie .:)

                      This film, which an adaptation from a novel with the same title tells a story from 2 different perspective about Muslim and Islam living in Europe. One side of story tells about a man named Rangga which trying to adapt his believe and practice of Islam into a society which pretty much couldn't care less about religion. The other perspective tells a story of Hanum (wife of Rangga) learning new things about Islam in Europe.

and here is my review about this movie :-

 At first, I thought the movie is just like other cliche islamic movie I've watched. I was totally wrong. It is better! I like how the story is arranged which somehow contribute a little to the awesomeness of the movie.The message of the movie went straight into my heart.
From each of this character, I learnt a lot about Islam especially on how to deal with non-muslim and how to balance islam and our life since Allah forbide us to ignore any one of it and just focus on one aspect. Which means, Allah ask His believer to excel in both life and aspects of Islam while making Hereafter and His Blessing as our ultimate goal. Other important thing that I learnt is smile and kindness is the best way dealling with the hatred toward Islam and Islamophobia.

I also learn a lot about the history of Islam in Europe. I know that Islam contribute a lot to Europe especially during the Dark Ages of Europe. But I never knew the trace of Islam is still left in present time. Some of unexpected place even pop out during the movie relating the place with Islam which left me only to say "Oh, I see!" with full of amusement and awe. Although I already visited all the places mention in the movie, I somehow want visit it again but this time I bring with me my new knowledge and feeling.

okay , i am done with review .
so lets travel to the countries that involved in this movie .
all these 3 places have their own valuable history especially about how ISLAM has become wider there .

i want to start with   ISTANBUL which is my dream destination like i said before .

great view of Istanbul

              Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey and is among the 25 largest urban areas in the world. It is located on the Bosporus Strait and covers the entire area of the Golden Horn - a natural harbor. Because of its size, Istanbul extends into both Europe and Asia. The city is the world’s only metropolis to extend into more than one continent.The city of Istanbul is important to geography because it has a long history that spans the rise and fall of the world's most famous empires.Due to its participation in these empires, Istanbul has also undergone various name changes throughout its lengthy history.

                       For your information , Istanbul has many beautiful places with their own history.
              Normally ,tourists who go for travelling to Istanbul will not missed to pay a visit these                                                                              beautiful places.

                                               Lets begin our travel in Istanbul now !!!

                                                        1. Hagia Sophia 

              Hagia Sophia is one of the most visited museums. Is shown as the eighth wonder of the world. Has existed for 916 years as a church. Was converted into a mosque by Sultan Mehmet in 1453.The Hagia Sophia was once a house of worship that served several religions well over the centuries. It started out as a Greek Eastern Orthodox basilica that was home to the Patriarch of Constantinople when it was built in 537. For almost six decades in the 12th century it was a Roman Catholic church. It became a mosque in 1453, remaining that way until 1931, when it was closed. It reopened as a museum in 1935. At one time, it was the largest cathedral in the world at one time, and served as the inspiration for other mosques, including the Blue Mosque, as it was such a great example of Byzantine architecture. It is most famous for its mosaics depicting various religious scenes.
view from outside
beautiful interiors inside :)

                                    2.  Blue Mosque(Sultan Ahmet Mosque)

              Sultan Ahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque), Turkish and Islamic world is one of the most famous monuments. Is the biggest example of classical Turkish architecture. Is the only mosque that was built with six minarets.The Blue Mosque, built in the early 17th century, remains an active house of worship today. This means visitors need to time their visits carefully, as the mosque is closed to sightseers during the five daily prayer times for Muslims. All visitors must remove their shoes and women must cover their hair. This is a small price to pay for seeing its priceless treasures that include 20,000 ceramic tiles in various tulip designs and 200 stained glass windows, all with intricate designs. The mosque, built by Sultan Ahmet, takes its name from the blue tiles on the dome and the upper levels of the interior.

beautiful scenery of Blue Mosque

Unique Interior design 
                                                        3. Topkapi Palace

               Topkapi Palace is one of the must-see attractions in Istanbul that combines history and stunning scenery in an experience that is not to be rushed. Rich in the history of the Ottoman Empire, the Topkapi Palace is surrounded by five kilometers (3.1 miles) of stone wall with 27 towers. Topkapi, which dates back to the 15th century, is situated on a hill overlooking the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn. At one time it was an official royal residence of the Ottoman Empire sultans and seat of Turkish government, but is now a museum that is considered the largest and oldest palace in the world. Visitors can get a glimpse of the harem’s quarters, where the government worked, a collection of old weapons used by the sultans, the palace kitchens with a huge porcelain collection, and the treasury with its collection of jewels and clocks.




                                                             4. Grand Bazaar

Travelers who love to shop shouldn’t miss out on a visit to the Grand Bazaar, with 5,000 shops making it one of the largest indoor marketplaces in the world. Receiving more than a quarter-million visitors a day, the bazaar features such items as jewelry, carpets that may or may not fly, spices, antiques and hand-painted ceramics. The bazaar dates back to 1461 and today is home to two mosques, four fountains, two hammams or steam baths, and the Cevahir Bedesten, where the rarest and most valuable items have been found traditionally. Here is where shoppers will find old coins, jewelry with precious gems, inlaid weapons and antique furniture.

Grand Bazaar
   situation at Grand Bazaar

                                                             5. Chora Church
The Chora Church may be a little bit off the beaten tourist path, but visitors say the beautiful Byzantine art is well worth the effort to get there. Magnificent mosaics and frescoes depict the life of Jesus and his mother, Mary. Known as the Church of the Holy Savior in Chora, it has been described as one of the most beautiful surviving works of Byzantine architecture. Dating back to the days of Constantine, the Chora was a monastery in its early years; a few centuries later, it became a mosque, and in 1948, it was converted to a museum.

Chora Church
ceiling design

6. Istanbul Archeological Museum

One of the most important museums in Turkey, the Istanbul Archaeological Museum is actually three museums: the Archaeological Museum, the Ancient Orient Museum and the Tiled Kiosk Museum. The three museums combined contain more than 1 million objects from civilizations around the world. Founded in 1891, it was the first Turkish museum, and was located on the Topkapi Palace grounds. The Tiled Kiosk dates back to 1472. The museums contain thousands of precious artifacts, including the sarcophagus of Alexander the Great.

Istanbul Archaeological Museum

7. Galata Tower

              At 67 meters (219 feet) high, the Galata Tower rules over the Istanbul skyline, offering great views of the old city and its surroundings. The medieval stone tower, known as the Tower of Christ, was the tallest building in Istanbul when it was built in 1348. It still stands tall over Istanbul today. The tower has been modified over the centuries, at one time being used as an observation tower to spot fires. Today, its upper reaches include a café, restaurant and a night club, both reached by elevator in the nine-story building, where one can find the stunning vistas.

Galata Tower

8. Basilica Cistern

           The Basilica Cistern has been providing Istanbul residents with water since the sixth century when it was ordered built by the Roman Emperor Justinian I. A visit leaves travelers raving about the technology the ancient Romans used to build this architectural wonder that was very advanced for its day. The underground cistern, just a few steps away from the Blue Mosque, was built on the site of a basilica that was constructed in the third century. Known as the Sunken Palace, the cistern can hold up to 2.8 million cubic feet of water. The cistern is one of the locations used in From Russia with Love, a James Bond thriller filmed in 1963.

Basilica Cistern

9. Dolmabahce Palace

         Luxurious, plush and beautiful are just some of the adjectives used to describe the Dolmabahce Palace, which has been compared to the Palace of Versailles. Built in the 19th century using 14 tons of gold leaf, Turkey’s most glamorous palace blends traditional Ottoman architecture with the European styles of Neoclassical, Baroque and Rococo. Home to six sultans from 1856 to 1924, it also is home to the world’s largest Bohemian crystal chandelier, a gift from Queen Victoria. The Dolmabahce Palace’s setting is stunning: It was built along the Bosphorus coastline.

Dolmabahce Palace

10. Suleymaniye Mosque

       Visitors to the Suleymaniye Mosque say its beauty and peacefulness gives them an inspiring sense of spirituality. Located on the Third Hill of Istanbul, the mosque was ordered built in 1550 by the Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent. The mosque, indeed, is magnificent, blending the best of Islamic and Byzantine architecture. The mosque was extensively damaged over the years, including during World War I when a fire broke out while the gardens were used as a weapons depot. It was restored in the mid-20th century. The mosque is marked by four minarets, indicating it was built by a sultan. When it was built, the dome was the highest in the Ottoman Empire.

So ,Alhamdulillah .
i am done with Istanbul :)

Its so BEAUTIFUL ..right ?

by looking at all these beautiful pictures ,
it really make me amaze and feel excited to be there .

hopefully , one fine day .
i would get an opportunity to travel at Istanbul ,
a wonderful city and full with history ..
in shaa Allah :)
who knows i can ask my future husband to bring me there during honeymoon :P
 right :?
HAHAHA..just kidding :P

Ok Goodbye ..
Wassalam :)

Regards with LOVE-Farah Hussin -

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